This scholarship provides one to three years of study leading to a degree at any British university. Seniors, graduate or professional students, and graduates are eligible to apply within two years of their undergraduate graduation. You must be a U.S. citizen with an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.7.
Marshall Scholar Josie Chambers shares her experience in applying for the scholarship.
What They’re Looking For
Candidates are evaluated on academic achievement, leadership potential, social commitment, and communication skills. In appointing scholars, the selectors will look for distinction of intellect and character as evidenced both by their scholastic attainments and by their other activities and achievements. Preference will be given to candidates who display a potential to make a significant contribution to their own society. Selectors will also look for strong motivation and seriousness of purpose, including the presentation of a specific and realistic academic program. Succinctly, Marshall Scholars are deep thinkers who are prepared for leadership in multiple sectors and get things done. The University of Illinois has had six students selected as Marshall Scholars in the last decade! Read more about recent Illinois Marshall Scholars.
Rhodes/Marshall/Gates Writing Workshop:
Friday, May 10, 2024 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Recording
Priority Deadline
Students are encouraged to submit a priority application for the Marshall Scholarship. University faculty and staff who are familiar with the Marshall Scholarship will review materials received by this date, while only the National and International Scholarships Program will review materials submitted after this date. In either case, we will provide feedback on multiple drafts of your application both prior to the priority deadline, and from the priority deadline to final submission.
Please submit the following requested information to us via email or mail at 807 South Wright Street, Fifth Floor, MC-317:
- A signed Scholarship Waiver (either scanned or in hardcopy).
- Three to four letters of recommendation of 1,000 words or less (drafts acceptable). If you have been a student in the UK on a study abroad program, you should seriously consider obtaining one of your letters of recommendation from your senior tutor or from a professor who is familiar with your work. Letters should be sent as attachments directly to us at topscholars@illinois.edu.
- Résumé.
- Personal Statement of 750 words (personal statement should be in 12 point font and double spaced).
- University Statements of 500 words each naming your choices of program and universities in the UK and describing why you have selected them.
- Leadership Essay of 500 words describing a situation in which you were working with a group of people and recognized and responded to a need for leadership․ The objective is to help the committee understand your leadership conviction and drive, style and potential rather than provide a list of achievements.
- Ambassadorial Essay of 500 words describing how you will serve as an ambassador between your US and UK communities.
In addition to the personal statement and résumé it is in your best interest to submit at least three letters of recommendation as three letters are ultimately required and a few “Choice of University Statements” outlining your choices of university and the coursework or research you propose, as Marshall requires more than one university choice.
Required Campus Deadline
Whether or not you turned in a priority application, a complete Marshall application must be submitted to us in order to be considered for University of Illinois endorsement (a requirement to move forward in the competition). Based on your submittal, including grade reports that we will provide, and an interview, a University of Illinois Scholarships Selection Committee will determine your endorsement. The university will endorse those candidates the Committee feels have the potential to be Marshall Scholars; up to a handful of applicants will receive this endorsement (there is no limit on the number of endorsements, but the committee is quite judicious). We may also offer some feedback on your application, based on comments from committee members.
Required information includes:
- A signed Scholarship Waiver (if not submitted since June—either scanned or in hardcopy).
- Three letters of recommendation (submitted online through the Marshall website and particular to the student’s Marshall application—note that applicants must enter the recommender information and hit the “Send Request” button at least 2 weeks in advance of the deadline to give your letter writers time to submit their letters electronically). You should list your primary recommender first, then your academic recommender, and then your third letter focused on your leadership. Letters should be written to the attention of the “Marshall Scholarship Selection Committee” and may not exceed 1,000 words. As with the rest of the application, bold or italicized text will not transfer through. In addition, it is best to enter hard returns between paragraphs, as tabs do not work when printing out the letter.
- A complete Marshall Scholarship application (with uploaded copies of official transcripts from all colleges, including community colleges where you may have only taken 1 course and study abroad transcripts, unless both the grades and credits of all courses appear on your Illinois transcripts) submitted electronically. You will be able to make changes to your application once you are endorsed.
Endorsed Applicant Deadline
September 23, 2024 at 12:00 pm
The Marshall Scholarship requires applications and letters of recommendation to be submitted electronically. Those students who have been endorsed need to electronically submit any final revisions by this date. Further, students in the arts will need to submit any supplementary materials (portfolios) with your Marshall-issued ID number on each) to us by this date as well. The application portal shuts down to applicants and letter writers on September 24, 2024.
If any changes were requested, recommendation writers will need to resubmit their letters, specifically tailored toward your application as a Marshall Scholar, electronically by this deadline.
The Final Stages
We electronically submit your complete Marshall Application (after you electronically submit it to us) along with an official University Endorsement Letter and mail your portfolio (for fine arts applicants) to a regional selection panel. Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview in November. Those who are called to interview will be asked to mail their official transcripts to the appropriate Marshall region.They will also need to scan and attach a photograph to their application, print the application, and sign it before bringing it to the interview. Candidates must also bring evidence of their date of birth and U.S. citizenship (e.g., a birth certificate or passport), and marriage certificate, if married. Finalists will also be asked to provide a brief biographical sketch to be used for promotional purposes if named a Marshall Scholar. We will coordinate mock interviews for those students called to an interview. The final selection will be announced shortly after the Marshall interview.
General Application Tips
Visit our Canvas page for additional tips and samples of winning applications.
To be eligible, an applicant must have graduated from their undergraduate institution within two academic years of applying (after April 2022 for applications submitted in fall 2024). The Selection Committee prefers awarding scholarships to help develop expertise, rather than for a person to broaden themselves before deciding to specialize.
When writing your personal statement, consider what makes you tick. Provide evidence of your research and address how U.K. study will help your future. Why is it important to pursue the degrees in the U.K.? Address how your past got you interested in what you are doing. Discuss medical or other conditions—be honest and up-front, gutsy. The statement should show the texture of the candidate. The U.K. sees the Marshall Scholarship as an investment; how will you provide future benefits? How are you an ambassador? They want students to be advocates for U.K. policies in the U.S.
Your “Proposed Academic Programme” statement should be written about ¾ in regards to your first choice institution and ¼ about your second choice institution. Your second 1-year MA (if choosing two) is less important as many students change these after arriving. You may choose two different universities for the scholarship (1 year at each). Identifying the program or person you would like to work with is important. It helps to have been in contact with professors at your top choice schools, especially for those interested in research degrees. Focus your statement on how you fit into the program(s) rather than just the general details of the programs.
At least two of your letters of recommendation should be from academics in your field, one who is the “preferred recommender.” The letters should try to humanize the candidate. Ideally, senior faculty would write letters. Any applicant who has studied previously in the U.K. should strongly consider obtaining one of their letters of recommendation from a U.K. faculty member. Read our advice on writing letters of recommendation.
Marshall Website & Application
For official information on the Marshall Scholarship (which supersedes any information provided here) and access to the online application, please visit their website.